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North sentinel island.

Human’s  has evolved themselves to a modern world. Technology is also upgrading day by day,  the lifestyle of peoples has taken a new phase from the very old century.

In now modern time, money is every thing to everybody. Each and every person on globe tries to be healier.  Survival has also taken a new level. Every one wants to have a luxury survival, like good food, shelter, clohes etc.

Where all the persons are engaged in earning money, there are some peoples who live like a 19th century.  No shelter, no agriculture, no clothes. North sentinel is an island of Andaman. There is a tribe called Sentinelese. They live on the one of the nicobar’s island. This tribe has ZERO  persent involvement to the outer world. This only tribe on earth left who are untouched with modern lifestyle or modernity. They also don’t like to interact to anyone from outside the tribe. These tribe peoples are very much violent.

An INDIAN MERCHANT SHIP which was emergency carshed in the  north sentinel island in1867. And the tribe peoples has not cooporated with the outsiders. They were attacked until another ship come over to rescue them.
Now government is taking care of the tribre from distance. Occasionally in short of food to the tribe. 

Government sends food boxes through the helicopters. Government has strictly  baned outsiders to that island. Tourist’s are also not allowed from the distance to that island. Water surrounding them is a protection from the outsiders. Upto next 20 years british Government occasionally get in contact with tribe from distance. But after 20 years. British government has also lost contact.

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